Hello, once again, friends! So sorry for the delay. I've been. . .
. . .away at music camp. Man, what a blessing! I REALLY didn't want to go (went kicking and screaming, as it were); but God never fails to use those situations in my life to teach me some big stuff. I made some of the best friends ever and learned more than I expected there was to learn about being a vocalist (I now know the difference between sopranos and altos, and basses and tenors. :P ).
My solo recital piece. :) |
. . .finishing up preparations for college -- which starts next Monday (August 19). O.O In prep, I have received my very own laptop (touchscreen, too :P <--funny story. . .) as a graduation gift from Mom and Dad. Her name is Stella, and her favorite color is purple. ^.^
Me, Stella, LuLa, and demon-puppy-Lexi. :P |
. . .playing a whole lota guitar. It's been way too hot this July/August to ride. *sad face* :( (of course, what summer isn't?) Poor Joey is sweating buckets of black sludge from 7:00 AM to 9 o'clock at night. I feel so terrible for him; especially because I'm such a weakling that I can't bear to go out and visit him very often.
That black log kinda off to the side is my other dog, Maggie. :P |
Ok, one more quick thing before I sign off for now (and she did not ask me to do this ;) ):
My cousin, Erin Long, is just about as horse crazy as you can get. Which makes us the best of cousins (sometimes we wonder why we weren't born sisters?? o.0 ) Horses have been her hobby since we were leetle kids. (We kinda host a webpage together of anything and everything having to do with horses; still kinda new, but check it out: http://herdnerds.weebly.com/ ) She rides all the time; and we've both always been HUGE fans of Breyer horse models. But within recent years, she has been trying to make a name for herself in the artsy world of horses: she customizes Breyer models, sketches amazing equine artwork, and takes simply stunning photographs of everything and anything horsey (will give you a view into horse heaven down below)! In short: You NEED to check out her website. At least check it out, if not help her spread the word about her amazing talent. The best part is that all of the proceeds (outside of shipping and materials) go toward JustWorld International, a charity that aids children in third world countries through the equestrian world!
Here's the link to her studio site: http://modestmarestudios.weebly.com/
And here's the link to her studio's facebook page; give her a like and stay that much more up-to-date on what she offers: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Modest-Mare-Studios/184302188413841?ref=hl
A lot of her photos are of her own horse Sid and his pasturemates. |
I call it "Contentedness". :) |
A photo she took of my Joey during our own personal photo shoot. I've used it as a possible book cover idea. :D |
One of her sketches. |
Another sketch. |
Her latest project (and my personal favorite so far): somewhat before. . . |
. . .and somewhat after :P |
You should really go check out her website. She has some really neat-o in-barn pictures that I simply adore (she's currently loading them onto her site, I do believe; if they're not there, I know they are already posted on Modest Mare Studio's facebook page).
I hope you have a wonderful day!